With a variety resources and partners, OPSR works with both local and national private funders as well as the state and federal government to achieve its mission to lead Oklahoma in coordinating an early childhood system that strengthens families and ensures all children are ready for school. Our projects rely on the expertise and guidance of parents, community leaders, early childhood providers, state-level organizations and leadership. Together, we can make an impact and improve the well-being of young children.

The Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Board is comprised of a diverse group of members, including early childhood experts and state leaders, that are responsible for carrying out state and federal mandates.
Each year the OPSR Board prioritizes several focus areas to improve the lives of young children and their families, such as the following:
• Engage policymakers and the community with the intent to gain support for school readiness.
• Convene and support partnerships within the board, throughout communities and statewide.
• Incubate innovative, research-based solutions to encourage early language, interaction and brain development.
• Ensure continuous improvement and accountability of Oklahoma’s programs that touch families with young children.
• Click the links below to learn more about the OPSR Board.
If you’re interested in becoming an OPSR board member, you can apply on the governor’s website.
Click here to be directed to that application page.
Annual Reports
This Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness annual report spotlights the tremendous work done by OPSR staff and our incredible partners as well as provides a report on the state of school readiness among Oklahoma children.
As OPSR continues to push Oklahoma forward and coordinate an early childhood system that ensures ALL children are ready for school, we appreciate Gov. Kevin Stitt and our legislature's support, leadership and commitment to building a strong foundation and bright future for Oklahoma’s children.
Financial Reports
Public Sector Representatives or their Designees
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Ryan Walters
Designee: Sharon Morgan
State Commissioner of Health
Keith Reed, Interim Commissioner
Designees: Lorri Essary
Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Allie Friesen
Designee: Stephanie Bell
Oklahoma Department of Commerce Director
Designee: Marshall Vogts & Shellie Schlegel
Oklahoma Department of Libraries Director
Natalie Currie
Designee: Trisha Hutcherson
Department of Human Services Director
Jeffrey Cartmell
Designees: Deb Smith
Oklahoma Health Care Authority Administrator
Ellen Buettner
Designee: Kasie McCarty
Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth Director
Annette Wisk Jacobi
Designees: Danielle Dill & Caitlin Merritt
State Department of Rehabilitation Services Director
Melinda Fruendt
Designees: Tonya Garman
Oklahoma Educational Television Authority Executive Director
Polly Anderson
Designee: Darrell Strong
Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education
Brent Hanken
Designee: Teena Friend
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Chancellor
Sean Burrage
Designee: Gina McPherson
Cabinet Secretary with Responsibility for Education Agencies
Nellie Sanders
Designee: Vacant
Dean of the College of Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Dr. Jon Pedersen
Designee: Jennifer Stepp
State Director of Head Start Collaboration
Paula Brown
Designee: Zoe Campbell & Curtis Mays
Private Sector Representatives Appointed
by the Governor
Representative of Licensed Child Care Providers
Rachel Proper
Vice President, Child Care, Inc.
Representative of the Licensed Child Care Industry Appointed by the Governor from a List Submitted by an Association Representing the Licensed Child Care Industry
Angie Clayton
Kids R Us of Tecumseh
Governor Appointee
Two Parents of Children Age 8 or Younger
Brett Vanderzee
Music & Preaching Minister, The Spring Church of Christ
Director of Pharmacy, Oklahoma City Indian Clinic
Dr. Jennifer Pham
Governor Appointees
Dr. Hokehe Effiong
Pediatric Specialist, Jackson County Memorial Hospital
Jacqueline Evans
CEO & Director, Aunt Jackie's Family Childcare
Suzie Powers
Program Director, Northeast Community Action Agency & Early Head Start
Kelly Kay
President & CEO, YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City
Dr. Sada Knowles
Dean of New College, Oklahoma Christian University
Melissa Larimore
Community Programs Director, Youth & Family Services, Inc.
Dr. Amanda McCabe
Adjunct Professor for the Educational Psychology Department at Oklahoma State University
Vicki Weaver Payne
Mental Health Counselor, Hope Community Services
Anthony Stafford
Senior Program Director, Sunbeam Family Services
Annie Koppel Van Hanken
Senior Program Officer, George Kaiser Family Foundation
Kody Suanny
Executive Director, Great Plains Youth & Family Services
Cindy Lee
Executive Director, HALO Project
Needs AssessmentThis piece of OKFutures focused on assessing the availability, quality and alignment of existing health, early care and learning, and family education and support programs. This evaluation helped determine the number and type of families who currently participate in Oklahoma's early childhood system as well as analyze data and identify strategies to reach our target population of Oklahoma's most vulnerable and underserved families. Moreover, this assessment linked policies, practices and funding that impede equitable access to resources. STATUS Oklahoma's Statewide B-5 Needs Assessment (Needs Assessment) was conducted in 2019 in partnership with Urban Institute. The Needs Assessment provided a comprehensive look at strengths and needs in Oklahoma's B-5 system and its communities, though the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are not captured in the report. PLANNED ACTIVITIES • Needs Assessment Update • Workforce Study • Expulsion/Suspension Study Updated Needs Assessment: Original Needs Assessment:
Strategic PlanThe purpose of the Strategic Plan Update will be to review and gather input on the current strategic plan to determine what remains relevant and needs continued focus, what parts need to be revised, what needs to be added, and how each of these pieces will compliment and align with other existing state strategic plans. Strategic Plan Workgroup Monthly meetings will be led by OKDHS/OPSR and will include: • Program Staff • OCCY Parent Partnership Board • Community Representatives • Tribal Partners OPSR Partnership Board Quarterly OPSR Board meetings will provide an avenue for state partners to: • review incoming data • provide strategic direction • coordinate partner outreach
Parent and Family EngagementBuilding and implementing a family engagement plan that ensures families are informed about and connected to services is a foundational element to successful B-5 systems change. OCCY Parent Partnership Board The OCCY Parent Partnership Board will serve a critical role gathering information and facilitating outreach for successful implementation of family engagement strategies. Coordinated Messaging PDG will support coordinated messaging to build families' knowledge of the mixed delivery system, embed supports to reach families, and pilot activities to enhance coordination and efficiency within the system to benefit families. Visit Before the Bell
WorkforceTo support the B-5 workforce and disseminate best practices, PDG funding will expand professional development opportunities and supports. Efforts to Improve the Training and Expertise of Oklahoma's B-5 ECCE Workforce Activity Four will include four primary activities: • Pyramid Model Implementation with OECP and Licensed Child Care • Transition Summit • Developmental Monitoring Resources and Support for Early Care and Learning Providers • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Telehealth OPSR is excited to offer free telehealth and teletherapy services for licensed child care professionals in Oklahoma.
Support Program Quality ImprovementOklahoma's approach to PDG is capacity building at the state and local level that will lead to a high-quality, sustainable B-5 system. Part C Data Specialization Funding will allow SoonerStart to conduct new data analysis, with an intentional focus to ensure that the children who will benefit from SoonerStart are identified and receive services. Special emphasis will be placed on underserved populations and exploring why children leave the program early. Early Learning Inventory Oklahoma's Early Learning Inventory (ELI) Expansion Project will collect data on kindergarten readiness and inform local and state policies regarding early childhood education.
SubgrantsSubgrants to enhance quality and expand access to existing and new programs through local and statewide systems and supports. PLANNED SUBGRANT ACTIVITIES • 10 Regional Family Support Specialists for CCR&R networks • Local-level partnership pilots • MIECHV Innovative Pilot for Local Referral Coordination • Coordinated Application, Eligibility and Enrollment Pilot • Reach Out and Read project with Head Start • Child Care Provider benefits • Telemedicine, Telehealth • Child Care Desert Grants • Exceptional Needs Grants • Transition Summit • Developmental Monitoring Resources • Program Performance Evaluation Plan

Dr. Amy Emerson
Board President

Annie K. Van Hanken
Board Director
Sr. Program Officer, George Kaiser Family

Pam Campbell
Board Director
Tenth District Outreach Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

AJ Griffin
Board Vice President
Executive Director, Potts Family Foundation

Marsha Schmidt
Board Director
Business Manager, The McIntosh Group; Business Manager, Site Solutions

Ginny Bass Carl
Past Board President
CEO, Giving Well, OKC

Suzanne Thompson
Board Secretary
Former ED of CART and El Reno Public School Foundation

Mike Gibson
Board Treasurer
Retired CPA

Collette Shepard
Board Director
Regional Manager Oklahoma, Lakeshore Learning